
Thursday, January 16, 2014


Phew! Clinic yesterday and taken my shot today...back on track even tho I missed Dec. appt.  and had no Aranesp left at all!! ;) all good...

Clinic Appt.

Finally had my clinic appt. and discussed bloodwork. A few changes in meds because of a couple of levels slightly off and have been referred to surgeon for my catheter surgery...waiting for him to call with surgery date. Apparently yet again I have a UTI (which i'm guessing is actually infection from a burst cyst because I DIDN'T know at all!!) however, am taking some antibiotics to clear this up.
So it kind of explains the general unwellness I have been feeling for a week or so and hopefully will get back on track again by next week! ;)
Other than that BP good, potassium, phosphorous and sugars all reasonable. It was calcium a little off and made a couple slight changes to fix it.
Doing ok!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


My intentions for the new year are just to continue doing whatever I can do to keep healthy, eat right, get some exercise (need to work on this the most), and continue to persevere in health and in writing.
I'm NOT giving up and I'm not gonna just lay down and die either!
My body doesn't work as well as it used to so I do actually have some limitations but I still have my MIND, HEART and SOUL and since I believe these are most important I guess I really have all that matters!
I will try to focus and keep myself on track in a more regular way this year!!


First shot of the year and last shot in my possession...need to make a clinic appt SOON!
But YES, I have had my shot! ;)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Christmas is over and we're into the new year today already and I have nothing really at the moment to be stressing over and yet every day for the last 3 or 4 I've been getting headaches :S
I'm kind of tired of ailments, money issues, stress and worry and I see no end in sight.
All I can do is keep doing the best I can and hope for a better tomorrow but today my head hurts and I just don't see it. :(